Wednesday 9 April 2014

Modelling and Texturing

From the very beginning we agreed to try to play on each others strong sides and see how it will come out.
That way we were able to speed up our workflow a bit. We worked as a team, supporting each other.

Some of the assets were built by one person, textured by other,rigged by third.

For example this bunker was modeled by Chris and Textured by me. We discussed what we want the bunker to look like and he built it that way. He also UVed it, but I decided to reUV it for more comfortable use, as it was such a simple asset. All this was some sort of test-drive for this workflow, and it worked. Sometimes when I model I get carried away and just never happy with the design, so end up changing it a lot of time and wasting time. But when someone else built it I don't think about it that way. I was able to just jump into texturing.

As this workflow worked we decided to continue that way. Of course not all assets were done this way, there was no need for it, but we were free to make changes to each other assets.

One more asset, that I probably like the most from all level, is the drill, and it was done the same way. Alex Modeled it using my concept art and UVed it (perfectly I must say, I didn't have to change anything). The drill concept was especially useful, because as we decided to go with hand painted textures I was able to sample bits of painting from the concept art and apply them to the model. There still was plenty to paint in, but amount of work was reduced thanks to previously made concept art.

After that I've been assigned with making of small assets that were going to give our level more unified look. Like snow piles, cracks, explosion craters.The goal was to create simple geometry planes and just make nice diffuse map with alpha channel.

To make cracks look better we supported diffuse with actual geometry.

The Boss.

Building the mesh took some time, but it wasn't that hard with all the concept art. 
I tried to make it look as similar to concept as I can. Some details been changed/added to improve the silhouette. I tried to keep him aggressive and use sharp edges, that also helped to keep polycount low.

The hardest part, however, was texturing. Even though I had a concept, I still had to reinvent a lot of small details to make boss appear bigger. As well as adding decals,patterns and some cavity lines to make design more interesting.  

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