Tuesday 8 April 2014

Level ideas


First of all we had to decide where scene will take place.

City with modular design, variation,
Great wall of China, random wall pieces, contrast in level
Military Base – destroyed evidence of alien presence
Large castle area
Large beach, D- Day, turn into third person toward the sea, defend the beach
Old roman city, coliseum 
Desert/ Wild west level Train running through
Grand canyon, multiple routes
Space/Moon location destroy rocks find weapons
Japanese old style city/town
Great blue hole, sea level, islands
Yellow Stone park
Crater impact zone

Snow, Antarctica

    We had many ideas as we were not limited. But we tried to use our freedom effectively. We thought about things that would make our level more visually interesting like water, snow,rocky mountains and decided that desert and sand can be a bit boring. But we took the train from western idea. 
    Decision was made towards the snowy environment with some implication of water. As our backup plan we had Chinese Wall idea. But luckily we didn't need it.

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