Tuesday 8 April 2014

Environment Concepts

As soon as we decided on what theme we are going to use I started making some concept paintings to set out the colour scheme, mood and atmosphere. Environment concepts were rough as I had to make them quickly, I am not really experienced in environments too.

This was the very first concept I painted. In the brief it was saying that aliens are withdrawing their tech from within the planet. So we decided to add some sort of drills. At the same time I tried to show what kind of mountains we want in our level. I added the plane to show the scale, we had some ideas about remaking the player ship, but decided to concentrate on the level instead.

After that we discussed what kind of things we want in our level and made this plan. 

The keypoints were 
-Military base
-Point where player and train split
-Boss area

Here is Screenplay explained.

Screenplay -
Scene 1- Camera looks at the train convoy that the player will be defending.
Scene 2 - Camera watches and follows the helicopter dynamically as it takes off.
Scene 3 - Camera switches to top down view and follows the train up the route with few alien craft battles.
Scene 4 - Train reaches the bridge camera still in top down view, with an increased number of enemies.
Scene 5 - Towards the end of the bridge player gets a slight glimpse of the final boss passing through the water as it takes out the last 3 train carriages, also breaking the bridge in the process.
Scene 6 - Still in top down view the train turns left off the bridge into a new area with stronger enemy ships.
Scene 7 - The train enters a narrow tunnel too small for the player to pilot through so they must try to tail the train through a mountain path on the left.
Scene 8 - camera switches to third person as the player flies up at a 45 degree angle dodging various rock formations.
Scene 9 - Still in third person view the player is forced to take a path through a cave taking a sharp turn into a straight drop down weaving between enemy technology and rock formations.
Scene 10 - Route connects to a river passage which leads out of the rock over a waterfall.
Scene 11 - Player still in third person view has regained sight of the train and watches as the boss appears from a crater and destroys it, knocking out the boss's defences and all surrounding enemy and friendly technology apart from player and the boss.
Scene 12 - Boss fight ( yet to be decided, concepts under way for next week)

After that I made second concept painting of two key areas- canyon and train split.

Here I came up with an idea of canyon being blocked by drills and spikes so player would need to dodge them.

We made a blockout according to our concepts and plan. It's still very basic and will be altered later as we need to add more hight variety.

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